
The Physi-Tual Entertainments Of Arts Warehouse

Poster to display The Physi-Tual genre & AMC Publishers ties ...
Poster to display The Physi-Tual genre & AMC Publishers ties ...
“The Physi-Tual genre,” meaning the physical clashed with the spiritual or supernatural, was trademarked in February 2021 by Austin Maleik Collings, founder of AMC Publishers/Physi-Tual genre capital global group Ltd.
Main company color: (turquoise) …created from the spiritual: (blue) …& the physical: (green) …Mixed together to create: (turquoise)

   …The genre explains the large & limitless spiritual world in the best fitting physical terms, creating a better understanding of spirituality & other spiritual existences in their distinctive powering traits, in a perceptive angle from an entertaining aspect.


   As well compactly included in this genre is the previous psychology in the human subconscious and conscious thought, that goes behind every conscious action we take in life to perform good or evil plots.


   Additionally, this genre will descriptively narrate the spiritual story that even goes mysteriously before the physical story, but out of time physical factor from the physical world as well, making a story before the actual story, while all at the same time clashing the stories together & displaying their interactions, to show how things play out in the next world below of lesser level in power.


   This unique Physi-Tual genre, simply expressing the spiritual & physical world clashed together, like how science met fiction to deliver an entertainment, gave the founder a very intriguing eagerness to start a new point of entertainment that goes on in the world, & so AMC Publishers/Physi-Tual genre capital group Ltd. was created (Brand name: Physi-Tual Capital), creating spiritual entertainment for the world to enjoy.

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